The Vote-By-Mail Ballot Application period for the PICO NC April 15th Election is open!
Interested voters have until Monday, April 7, 2025 to register for a vote-by-mail ballot, so don't wait!
To apply for your April 15th VBM Ballot Online, you will need an “ANGELENO” account and go to:
To apply to use a Paper Application, go to: and download the application form
The Paper Application form is also available for downloading on the PICO NC website, in our public For the Record Folder:
For the Record - Agendas & Meeting Information - 2025 Elections

Your vote is your voice,
and you can use it to help shape the future of our community. Voter registration is NOW officially open for the April 15th election of the PICO Neighborhood Council!
If you live, work, rent or own property, worship, attend school, or are a vested community stakeholder in the P.I.C.O NC boarders, you can vote in the upcoming Neighborhood Council election!
The Vote-By-Mail Ballot Application period for P.I.C.O Neighborhood Council opens today!
Interested voters have until Monday, April 7, 2025 to register for a vote-by-mail ballot, so don't wait!
Stakeholders interested in voting must complete a Vote-By-Mail application online using the NC Portal or complete and download a fillable paper application here or by calling Toll free at 888.873.1000 or 213.978.0444 Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 5:00PM
We have additional voting resources available here
Candidate photos and statements can be found here.

You can subscribe to the City’s Early Notification system and receive the PICO NC’s Agendas or ANY NC Agendas here.
Would you like to publicize an event on our Community Calendar?
E-mail with the name, date, location, and purpose of your event. Please send your submission at least 2 weeks before your event.
Agendas for all P.I.C.O Neighborhood Council meetings are posted in our public For the Record folder. You can access current agendas by clicking on the name of the meeting below. All agendas are dated. Agendas will be posted 72 hours prior to all regularly scheduled meetings.
Current Bylaws and Standing Rules can be found our in our public For the Record folder